Projects and Cooperation

Current Projects


The library is a member of the KOBV. Furthermore, the library of the Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein is a member of

The library participates in the GEOUM Working Group of the Libraries for Earth and Environmental Sciences and is hosting its mailing list.

Former Projects

  • Contributing to the DFG project ORCID DE to promote this ID in Germany
  • Contributing to the BMBF project EcoDM [Ecosystem Data Management]
  • Contributing to the BMBF project
  • Contributing to the DFG project DeepGreen to implement open rights in alliance and national licenses
  • Contributing to the BMBF project Options4OA
  • Contributing to the BMBF project GDN: Geo Data Node
  • Contributing to the DFG projectre3data ("Registry of Research Data Repositories", 2011-2016)
    The service was integrated into the DataCite portfolio at the end of the project and is managed by a DataCite working group.
  • Contributing to the DFG projectEWIG ("Entwicklung von Workflowkomponenten für die Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten in den Geowissenschaften", 2011-2014)
    The aim of this project was to create a support function for the transfer of research data from different research environments into digital long-term archives.
  • Contributing to the DFG projectKomFor ("Kompetenzzentrum für Forschungsdaten aus Erde und Umwelt", 2011-2014)
    The aim of this project was the sustainable improvement of data availability and quality by establishing a competence centre as a link between research institutions, publishers, libraries and archives.
  • Contributing to the DFG projectRadieschen ("Rahmenbedingungen einer disziplinübergreifenden Forschungsdateninfrastruktur", 2011-2013)
    The aim of the project was to draw up a roadmap with recommendations for action for a cross-disciplinary infrastructure for research data in Germany.
  • Contributing to the DFG project CODATA ("Creating access to scientific data", 2006-2009)
    The project was funded under the "Information Infrastructures for Network-Based Research Cooperation and Digital Publication" programme.
  • Contributing to the project "GEO-GRID - ein Community-Grid für die Erd- und Umweltforschung" as part of the BMBF's call for proposals "E-Science und vernetztes Wissensmanagement " (2006)
  • GIN-Net ("Geoscience Information Network", 2005)
    The project was funded by the "Leistungszentren für Forschungsinformation" programme, an initiative of the German Research Foundation (DFG) to strengthen the information infrastructures at German universities and research institutions.
  • CeGIM ("Zentrum für Informationsmanagement in den Geowissenschaften", 2003-2004)
    The project was also funded by the "Leistungszentren für Forschungsinformation" programme.