Purchase Request

In case we should not have the literature you are looking for, there are different ways to get what you need:

  1. Interlibrary loan through our document delivery service
  2. Suggest a book for purchase
  3. Maybe the book is electronically available via the platform ProQuest Ebook Central

How do I recommend ...

The library welcomes suggestions to purchase books and other materials for our library collections. If you are a staff member of:

After reviewing your request, the library will order the book immediately (with special discounts), catalogue and display it for a week on the recent acquisitions shelf. Of course we will inform you as soon as the book can be picked up.

Books from the platform Ebook Central, that have not yet been licensed, can be looked at for 5 minutes each every 24 hours. After the expiration of these 5 minutes it is possible to suggest the book for puchase directly from the system.

More information on the use of ProQuest Ebook Central you can find at the page "E-Books".

As the subscription of a journal puts the library to expenses for years, this subject will be discussed in the library committees.

It would be very helpful if you could name colleagues who are also interested in the same journal. Please send us your request and we will contact you and keep you up-to-date.