ALBERT Library search engine
ALBERT is the search engine for the Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein. With the help of this discovery system you don't just find the content of classical library catalogues (like books or journals) but also journal articles, conference papers, maps, research data and many more.
More information and tips on content and search options for ALBERT look up here: About ALBERT
We recommend you to use free or our subscribed electronic databases to broaden your search for articles, e-books, research data, maps, figures etc.
An overview of our most important databases can be found in our DBIS profile.
The library of the Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein offers access to electronic books for the staff of GFZ, PIK, AWI and RIFS. You can find licensed works in our library search engine ALBERT.
Through the internet platform Ebook Central by ProQuest you have the possibility to search for more e-books.
You can search for all our journals, both print and electronic, within our library search enginge ALBERT
Check the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) for peer-reviewed Open Access journals in your field.
If you have any questions on predatory publishing, contact us:
Document delivery
For staff from GFZ, PIK, AWI and RIFS, we offer a document delivery service. If you are looking for books or papers we don't provide access to, just use this service and we will get the literature for you.
Go to document delivery.