Lending, Renewal, Reservation

You can renew your loans via help desk, phone, mail or your library account:


Enter your user id and password. Information on the login to your library account you find here.

In case you are already logged in, you can open your library account by clicking on your name in the upper right corner of the catalogue screen.

You are now in the account overview with details concerning your loans. Here you can see the status of the books you checked out, extend loan periods, change your personal data or password. It's also possible to recommend media for purchase.

Of course, you just will be able to renew a book if nobody else has placed a reservation on it.


Whilst you're logged into your account, you can also make reservations on currently borrowed media. To do so, just search for the item and click on "Place hold" in the status display.

You can also reserve items at any of our branch libraries directly, by phone or mail. You will get a notice per email or phone when the reserved medium is available.


Circulation Services for Branch Libraries and External Sites

Staff at the sites of Behlertstraße (GFZ), Berliner Straße (RIFS), Heinrich-Mann-Allee (GFZ) and Helmholtzstraße (GFZ) can use all of our electronic services, e.g.:

If you need books, journal articles or other media from our stocks, just send an email to bib@gfz-potsdam.de. We will register that item on your account and send it to you as scan or via internal mail. For any requests please turn to our help desk (see right upper box).

Media you order through document delivery will be transferred to you the same way. Please return the books or other media in an envelope via internal mail.

Exception: Lendings from Berliner Straße (RIFS)

Books from our stock can be ordered via the catalogue and your library account or via mail to library@rifs-potsdam.de. We will register that item on your account and send it to the library of the RIFS. You will be notified as soon as the book arrived.

Please return the book to the RIFS librarian or use the box named "Book return".

For any questions please turn to the branch library at Berliner Straße 130: Tel. +49 331 6264-22331 or mail to library@iass-potsdam.de.

Loan periods

User Media type Basic loan 1st Renewal 2nd - 5th Renewal After 5th Renewal Reservation
Staff of AWI, GFZ, RIFS, PIK Library stock 30 days 120 days (automatically) 450 days (automatically) New lending* Shorter loan period**
External user Library stock 10 days 10 days - - Return at end of loan period**
Staff of AWI, GFZ, RIFS, PIK Interlibrary loan 4 - 6 weeks Please contact us 4 days before loan period ends - - -

* For additional renewals, please bring the books and visit either of our branch libraries.

** You will be notified by email if you need to return a book because it was reserved by another patron.