Project EWIG

Entwicklung von Workflowkomponenten für die Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten in den Geowissenschaften

Development of Workflow Components for the Long-Term Archiving of Research Data in the Geosciences

This project, funded by the DFG from 2011-2014, aimed at supporting the transfer of research data from different research environments to long-term digital archives. Its focus was the optimization of the ingest process at the transfer interface between the discipline-specific data producer and any long-term archive.

In geosciences, workflows and infrastructures for research data management are already comparatively well developed - nevertheless, there are gaps in the data flow between the various stages in the "Digital Curation Continuum". The first project phase served to identify existing gaps and to network with similar projects in Germany through more than 20 expert interviews with infrastructure facilities and data centres.

In the second phase questions concerning the technical quality assurance of research data and workflows in a long-term archive were dealt with. On the other hand institutional policies for research data management have been developed which can be used as templates for different geoscientific institutions. In addition courses for teaching and advanced training have been designed and tested in university education to establish the topic of research data management more firmly in the scientific discipline.

Project results

Klump, J., Ulbricht, D., Conze, R. (2015): Curating the web's deep past. Migration strategies for the German Continental Deep Drilling Program web content. - GeoResJ, 6, pp. 98-105.

Bertelmann, R., Gebauer, B., Hasler, T., Kirchner, I., Peters-Kottig, W., Razum, M., Recker, A., Ulbricht, D., Gasselt, S. (2014): Einstieg ins Forschungsdatenmanagement in den Geowissenschaften. Potsdam, Berlin, 24. S.

Hasler, T., Peters-Kottig, W. (2013): Vorschrift oder Thunfisch? Zur Langzeitverfügbarkeit von Forschungsdaten. - LIBREAS. Library Ideas, 23, pp. 64-75.

Gebauer, P., Kirchner, I., Mettig, N. (2014): Workflow tools for long-term storage of geoscientific data and education of future scientists in data management. 10th ECAC/14th EMS Annual Meeting, Prague. - EMS Abstracts 11, EMS2014-258.

Bertelmann, R., Elger, K., Pampel, H. (2014): Forschungsdateninfrastrukturen am Deutschen GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ. Policies und Dienstleistungen. 1. DINI/nestor-Workshop "Institutionelle Forschungsdaten-Policies und strategische Planung des Forschungsdatenmanagements".

Ulbricht, D., Bertelmann, R., Gebauer, P., Hasler, T., Kirchner, I., Klump, J., Mettig, N., Peters-Kottig, W., Rusch, B. (2014): Creating preservation metadata from XML-metadata profiles. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 27.04.-02.05.2014. - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-9710.

Gebauer, P., Bertelmann, R., Hasler, T., Kirchner, I., Klump, J., Mettig, N., Peters-Kottig, W., Rusch, B., Ulbricht, D. (2014): Data management and archiving - a long process. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 27.04.-02.05.2014. - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16, EGU2014-6672-1.

Kirchner, I., Bertelmann, R., Gebauer, P., Hasler, T., Mettig, N., Klump, J., Peters-Kottig, W., Rusch, B., Ulbricht, D. (2013): Workflows for ingest of research data into digital archives - tests with Archivematica. AGU Fall Meeting 2013.

Ulbricht, D., Klump, J., Bertelmann, R. (2013): Multi-facetted metadata - describing datasets with different metadata schemas at the same time. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 07.-12.04.2013. - Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15, EGU2013-6894.

Gebauer, P., Kirchner, I., Mettig, N., Hirt, M. (2013): Datenmanagement - institutioneller Workflow dank Policies. DACH, Innsbruck, 02.-06.09.2013.

Gebauer, P., Kirchner, I., Hirt, M (2013): The implementation of policies - regulating institutional data management. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 07.-12.04.2013.

Peters-Kottig, W., Hasler, T. (2013): Ist auch drin was draufsteht? Qualitätssicherung bei der Langzeitarchivierung von Forschungsdaten. 5. Bibliothekskongress, Leipzig, 12.03.2013.

Bertelmann, R., Klump, J. (2012): VRE als Prêt à Porter. 101. Deutscher Bibliothekstag, Hamburg, 15.-18.05.2012.

Gebauer, P., Kirchner, I., Peters-Kottig, I., Klump, J., Bertelmann, R., Rusch, B., Ulbricht, D., Wattenbach, M. (2012): Geoscience data - defining policies and workflow tools for long-term storage of continuously and temporarily collected data. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 22.-28.04.2012.

Klump, J., Ulbricht, D. (2011): panMetaDocs - a tool for collecting and managing the long tail of small science data. AGU Fall Meeting 2011.

Peters-Kottig, W., Klump, J., Kirchner, I., Bertelmann, R., Rusch, B., Wattenbach, M., Ulbricht, D., Gebauer, P. (2011): Where are the gaps in the data lifecycle? Developing policies and workflow tools for digital preservation of research data in the geosciences. AGU Fall Meeting 2011.

Ways into Heads. Research data management - organizational, technical, and legal challenges. Karlsruhe, 15.09.2014.

Wege in die Köpfe. Forschungsdatenmanagement in den Geowissenschaften. Berlin, 03.-04.07.2014. (Impressions below)

Participants of the Berlin Workshops "Wege in die Köpfe"
Flipcharts of the Berlin Workshop "Wege in die Köpfe"