The library of the Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein was established on the basis of a contract between the institutions GFZ, PIK and AWI Potsdam to use and index the library stocks and services jointly on Telegrafenberg. In 2011 the IASS Potsdam has joined that contract.
The GFZ library in building A17 is the central access point for all services. Three branch libraries in A31 (PIK), A45S (AWI) and Berliner Straße 130 (RIFS) broaden these offers.
More information on the location you can find on the map of the Wissenschaftspark.
The Library's Mission Statement
The library of the Wissenschaftspark Albert Einstein sees its role as that of a service facility for scientific work on the Telegrafenberg.
It serves the joint use of the library collections by employees of the four research institutions mentioned above. But the library is also open to teachers and students from universities and anyone interested in geoscientific subjects.
For this purpose the library provides printed and electronic media and information that are necessary for up-to-date research.
What's more: LIS is your partner for questions concerning all aspects of scientific publishing!
Our services are centered on the preparation, dissemination and archiving of scientific results (see also Publishing).
LIS takes all products of your science in consideration: text publication, research data, software, outreach material etc. The FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) are our guidance for supporting open science as a paradigm for digital science.